Tim Hillman Enterprises ScupperBox.com offers a wide selection of state-of-the-art flat roof drainage Scupper Box drain and Leader Heads. I have been working with customers’ drainage issues for years and will work with you to resolve any problems you have with your roof’s drainage system. Custom orders will be considered on request.
Welcome to Tim Hillman Enterprises, ScupperBox.Com. I'm here to provide functional, affordable roof drain leader heads to people needing solutions for flat roof drainage issues. I have extensive experience in roof, and gutter work and am happy to share that knowledge with you. Contact me and we'll work together. Browse here or call
(903) 391-0227 during regular business hours.
Thanks for your interest!
Pre-qualified returning customers and, Customers buying $250.00 or more are eligible for a "Contractors Discount" ($5 off published price each item) on this and ALL future orders. Call
(903)391-0227 or, Email me for a quote reflecting this discount. I appreciate your business!
Currently using PayPal invoicing. These invoices can be satisfied with credit or debit cards. Personal checks accepted for repeat customers
Orders of 20 (or more ) well get deeper discounts
Thanks for visiting my website.
"Your storm runoff problems - solution"
There are several considerations when
making decisions about Flat Roof Drainage "Scupper Boxes",
"Leader Heads", "Rain Conductors", etc.
I've been working with customers drainage issues for years, and will work with you to resolve any issues you might be having.As with most projects, your results will improve with sound planning.While maintaining a sizeable inventory, I also fill orders for contractors, & other professionals.
Still... it's a small operation and larger orders could take as long as 2 weeks.
By Ordering early delays can be avoided.
Your needs drive my production. Many of these
products were inspired by customer requests.
"Quality products at reasonable prices"
Carefully hand crafted in my shop.
Check out my inventory to see if anything interests you.
Don't see what you need. Contact me for information on additional colors or material wanted for your Flat Roof Drainage.
Maybe I could custom make a roof drain leader for your scupper drain parapet roof needs? Send me your details and I'll create your solution. Custom products for flat roof drainage.